Daimler-Chrysler Landscape




The partially demolished Daimler-Chrysler Plant in Kenosha Wisconsin is defined by the absence of the automobile. All that remains are the concrete foundations of this once important manufacturing facility. As in the art of Robert Smithson and Carl Andre, we see beauty in a landscape under construction/excavation, or as raw material. Responding to a call to re-envision the site, we chose not to sanitize it but to transform the existing foundations into a landscape like that created in America by the automobile – topographic improvisations which aid automotive movement. Through the demolition process and subsequent re-piling of the jack-hammered former factory floor, three mounds emerge within a larger field that evoke the memory of the car without its presence. The resultant landscape frames three distinct public spaces for reflection built on a simple tectonic of shifting ground and your suspension within it, while remaining enigmatic as to its process and history of construction.